ClimaSet 3u1 XL (rashladno sredstvo R1234yf, ulje, brtvilo), crijevo, adapter R1234y

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ClimaSet 3in1 XL (R1234yf refrigerant, oil, sealant) for the filling of air conditioning systems in cars from 2017 onwards

ClimaSet’s 3in1 product is a special product for self-filling car air conditioning, dedicated to vehicles manufactured from 2017 onwards. It fits all car models that used R-1234yf refrigerant. The product combines three essential applications in the operation of the A/C system:

• sealing of the system

• lubrication of components

• refrigerant recharge

Each substance of the preparation acts both individually and simultaneously, ensuring safe operation for your car’s system.

ClimaSet’s 3in1 product is an innovative solution for self-filling of car air conditioning. With its comprehensive action, economical purchase and safety guarantee, this product is the ideal choice for maintaining optimum performance and functionality of the A/C system in cars manufactured from 2017 onwards.


• Comprehensive action: with this product, there is no need to use three independent substances. One 3-in-1 product provides all the necessary functions in a single application.

• economical purchase: The cost of the 3in1 ClimaSet formulation is lower than the combined cost of three separate substances offered on the market, such as oil, sealant and gas. This saves you money.

• The formulation includes natural hydrocarbon gas, sealants and lubricating oils to enhance compressor performance and safety.


• non-toxic, making it safe for users and the environment.

• no damage to your car’s air conditioning system – the manufacturer guarantees that the 3in1 ClimaSet product will not cause any damage or problems to your air conditioning system.

• ClimaSet’s unique formula does not cause corrosion of metal A/C components. In addition, the product is compatible with both synthetic and mineral oils used in A/C systems.

• 3in1 ClimaSet is also more efficient than traditional refrigerant, as it contains a lighter gas mixture. This results in less wear on the compressor and more efficient distribution of the mixture in the cooling system. This means less energy consumption and less fuel consumption.

• The ClimaSet 3in1 product is environmentally friendly, does not damage the ozone layer and does not contribute to global warming.

Can fit EasyKlima, AcToGo manometer hoses

Pressure gauge hose for filling up car air conditioners

The hose with pressure gauge for auto air conditioning filling is designed for all cars. The hose is the tool needed to measure the pressure and then fill the car air conditioning system. It is reusable, making it environmentally friendly.

R1234yf adapter for self-filling air conditioning (cars after 2017)

The R1234yf adapter is essential for filling the A/C system with R1234yf gas.


• made of high-quality materials

• disposable

• no additional tools required

• easy to use

• for cars manufactured after 2017

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Bridge Solutions Hub S.A.
Zygmunta Vogla 2A
02-963 Warszawa
Tel. : +48 668 507 433


ClimaSet priručnik
1. Pokrenite motor automobila, uključite klimu na minimalnu temperaturu i maksimalni protok zraka.
2. Otvorite haubu svog automobila, pronađite niskotlačni otvor (označen LP) i odčepite ga.
3. Odvrnite ventil s crijeva s manometrom i zavrnite ga na spremnik s rashladnim sredstvom.
4. Spojite komplet na LP priključak i preokrenite spremnik.
5. Zatvorite ventil i počnite puniti rashladno sredstvo.
6. Kada manometar dosegne 40 psi, odvrnite ventil, a zatim odvojite manometar (kantica za višekratnu upotrebu).
7. Isključite set iz LP priključka u automobilu i uživajte u radu klima uređaja.

Kako biste sami napunili klima uređaj, potrebno vam je crijevo za punjenje klima uređaja i crijevo s manometrom, zabrtvljeno brzom spojnicom za spajanje na niskotlačni otvor s oznakom LP (promjera 11 mm). Sustav klima uređaja obično ima dva otvora za punjenje (jedan označen slovima LP promjera 11 mm i drugi označen slovima HP promjera 14 mm), ali crijevo je dizajnirano da odgovara samo jednom LP priključku ( promjera 11 mm). To znači da ne morate brinuti o priključivanju uređaja na krivi priključak.

Očitavanje manometra
• Manometar pokazuje ispod 25 psi, što znači da je tlak u sustavu klimatizacije prenizak. Ako je tlak u sustavu klima uređaja prenizak, dodajte rashladno sredstvo dok mjerač ne pokaže 25 do 55 psi.
• Tlak na manometru je između 25 i 55 psi - to znači da je tlak u sustavu klima uređaja ispravan. To znači da je klima uređaj dobro napunjen.
• Manometar pokazuje vrijednost iznad 55 psi - to znači da je tlak u sustavu previsok. Ako je tlak u sustavu klimatizacije previsok, treba ga sniziti.

Tablica tlaka ovisno o temperaturi okoline
Indikator niskog tlaka/indikator manometraSobna temperatura
25-35 psi18° C
35-40 psi21° C
35-45 psi24° C
40-50 psi27° C
45-50 psi29° C
45-55 psi32° C
50-55 psi35° C
50-55 psi38° C
50-55 psi41° C
50-55 psi43° C

HP/LP adapter
HP (visoki tlak) na LP (niski tlak) adapter je neophodan za dopunu sustava klima uređaja s R134a u automobilima kao što su:
Audi A4 B4 1994, Ford Fiesta 2007, Ford Galaxy 2009, Ford Transit 2009, Kia Ceed 2007, Nissan Qashqai 2015 i 2016, Mazda 2015, Mitsubishi Colt 2006, Renault Laguna 2, Renault Mégane 2, Renault Trafic 2, Renault Clio 2, Renault Espace 2, Renault Master 2, Renault Scenic 2, Renault Vel Satis 2, Ford S-Max.
Ako ne pronađete LP priključak (11 mm u promjeru) ispod haube vašeg automobila, možete dopuniti klima uređaj kroz HP priključak (14 mm u promjeru) pomoću LP/HP reduktora/adaptera.


Opasnost. Lako zapaljivi plin. Sadrži plin pod tlakom; može eksplodirati ako se zagrije. Držati podalje od izvora topline, vrućih površina, iskri, otvorenog plamena i drugih izvora paljenja. Nemojte pušiti. U DODIRU S KOŽOM: Isprati s puno vode. U slučaju iritacije kože ili osipa: obratite se liječniku. Uklonite sve izvore paljenja ako je to sigurno učiniti. Čuvati u dobro prozračenom prostoru. Zaštititi od sunčeve svjetlosti. U slučaju paljenja plina koji izlazi; ne gasiti. Sadrži (R)-p-menta-1,8-dien. Može izazvati alergijsku reakciju.